Monthly Archive: October, 2020

A response to John Piper on the election

I respect and admire author and pastor John Piper, but his recent column “pondering the implications of the 2020 election” has not persuaded me against voting for Donald Trump next week. As I… Continue reading

T minus nine months

My sixth grandchild is expected to make her exit from the womb within a few weeks, right around election day. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and almost every other Democrat, believe my daughter-in-law… Continue reading

The Pharisaic Party

A primary divide in American politics separates according to perceived goodness. Democrats see themselves as the virtuous ones and charge Republicans with bigotry and hypocrisy. Republicans have a similar but opposite perspective. Both… Continue reading

The voices and the Voice

Boy, there are a lot of voices out there…in the blogosphere and on social media, from the news-gatherers and pundits, from politicians, protesters, and pulpits. Is anyone really being heard over the cacophony?… Continue reading

Will somebody please distinguish between defending the man and voting for him?

In February 2020 BC (Before Covid), columnist David French penned an essay titled, Will Somebody Please Hate My Enemies for Me? In it he argued that Christians who support President Trump and know… Continue reading

Worse than homosexuality

Imagine you’ve been justly convicted and imprisoned for life in a foreign country for various acts of cruelty and lawlessness. I know…you’re a good person and would never find yourself in such a… Continue reading

All truth matters

Black lives matter. Of course. You know what else matters? TRUTH. I question whether those loudly and proudly condemning the police, certain politicians, and virtually all whites as racists believe that truth matters.… Continue reading