Category Archive: POLITICS

She persisted

Now is the time for great faith. If you’re a Christian, as I am, you’ve likely been asking God to intervene in the affairs of our nation to restore righteousness and reason, as… Continue reading

Now is the day of salvation, but night is coming

The end is near. Jesus is coming back soon; I just know it. If you’ve been putting off faith in God because you figured you had plenty of time to repent, I’d suggest… Continue reading

The house progressives built

As anyone with what is increasingly UNcommon sense knows, morality in America has been turned upside down and backwards. Sexual promiscuity and perversion are celebrated but expecting people to follow God’s standards for… Continue reading

So many faulty compasses

Has there ever been a time when so much evil is being done in the name of good? Consider just some of the evidence: Why are so many in our day misguided and… Continue reading

Humanitarianism, practically speaking

Imagine a family of six from Mexico shows up on your doorstep and says they want to live with you in your house. In broken English they tell you they fled horrible living… Continue reading

Will somebody please distinguish between defending the man and voting for him?

Here we are again, four years later. Though I was praying for Ron DeSantis to somehow be the nominee, I present the same argument for Donald Trump that I did back then. In… Continue reading

Cannot agree to disagree

How incredibly frustrating it is when something you know to be objectively true is denied by otherwise reasonable adults. Such is the state that much of the country, myself included, regularly find ourselves… Continue reading

Making a baby

Ways to reproduce:  I often wonder if abortion supporters would oppose it instead if humans began life as microscopic little bodies with two arms, two legs, a fully-formed head, etc. If the child… Continue reading

Are we not to judge?

All those babies killed by Hamas terrorists? Don’t judge them. The Bible says, “Do not judge.” So there you go. What’s for dinner? One of the “Vote Yes” on Ohio Issue 1 TV… Continue reading

It’s oh so natural

Evil has a long and sobering history. There is nothing new under the sun . . . not torture and murder, not rape and enslavement, not subjugation, treachery, serial lying, and all manners… Continue reading

The lie of repro rights

Your reproductive rights end where the life of the being you helped produce begins. Your right to reproduce or not to reproduce is yours only logically prior to the moment reproduction has occurred.… Continue reading

This is war

I don’t believe God wants us to be nice. Well, not always nor to everyone, anyway. Sometimes a little righteous anger is called for. And I’m here for it. I think one reason… Continue reading

Boy, do we need to get woke

It’s a bit maddening, and frustrating, and depressing . . . reading so many repeated half-truths, outright lies, and hateful mischaracterizations directed at those fighting for truth and justice. I want to address… Continue reading

Pride Month needs to go

Sometimes I feel like going to live in a cave until Jesus returns, and rids the world of all evil. Then, and maybe only then, will my soul no longer be so vexed… Continue reading

Let’s talk about the why, not just the how

I am certain that none of my children will ever walk into a school, a mall, a dance club, or anywhere and open fire on innocent people. I’m absolutely positive, and I’ll bet… Continue reading