Tag Archive: aging

Final thoughts on our final days

We’re coming now to the end of this series on coming to the end of this life. I pray that I’ve helped someone courageously confront the certainty of the body’s mortality and resolve… Continue reading

Trials of the aged

Aging has its perks, as I talked about last time, as well as its unpleasant side effects. But though my experience has, thankfully, been more annoying than difficult, I want to acknowledge in… Continue reading

Aging has its perks

I’m on a quest to come to grips with, and even embrace, my stage in life as a 68 (and 1/2) year old woman. This is #5 in my series. I’ve got just… Continue reading

I have a place prepared

(And, no, I’m not talking about a burial plot.) In my pondering the reality of my inescapable, downward slide into old age these last few weeks, I’ve broached the fact of my inevitable… Continue reading

Whose body is this?

Mind/body dualism is a thing. It’s a very noticeable reality for those of us in or nearing the fourth quarter of our lives. Because though my body is showing obvious signs of age,… Continue reading

Nature has a course, and takes it

Aging. I’m not a fan. The wrinkles, the loss of vision and hearing, the debilitating aches and pains. I feel so bad for my husband. 🙂 Nah. That’s me too . . .… Continue reading

On death and aging

I’m 68 years old. And a half. (I like to be precise.) This series of posts is about what life is like for a 68 1/2 year old woman. Maybe you can relate.… Continue reading