Tag Archive: gay activism

The hope of happiness

In the debate over same-sex marriage and homosexuality, just as in other issues about which people disagree, the answer to one question will mostly determine which side one will support: Or perhaps more… Continue reading

Do this before calling me a bigot

I guess I understand why gay rights supporters label conservative Christians as bigoted haters, but let me tell you, I really hate when they do. I don’t hate them. I hate what they… Continue reading

A proposal to maximize gender wholeness

“Is this person male or female?” As I smiled at and conversed with the clerk ringing up my groceries last week, I observed conflicting gender clues…soft facial features, closely-cropped hair, loose unisex clothing,… Continue reading

Hidden assumptions in the gay rights debate

Some gays and their supporters are just awful. They’re lewd and crude, loud and proud, and totally intolerant. If one so much as suggests that the homosexual lifestyle is problematic, they’re in your… Continue reading

The hope of happiness

In the debate over same-sex marriage and homosexuality, just as in other issues about which people disagree, the answer to one question will mostly determine which side one will support:Or perhaps more specifically,… Continue reading

Manipulated, or mindful of the God we believe exists?

Imagine with me that in the state where you live there exists a subset of residents who don’t believe in the federal government. They not only reject its laws, they deny it even… Continue reading

Spoiled, misbehaving, demanding children

Most of us know that if you don’t discipline a child, if you allow her to do and get whatever she wants, you’ll have a selfish, misbehaving, spoiled brat on your hands. Think… Continue reading

Proper posture at Christmas

We don’t have cable TV and I’m really, really good with that. But I know there are plenty of compelling, entertaining, and inspiring programs we are missing. One thing I’d be interested to… Continue reading

Feminists vs. the Patriarchy

If there’s one truth that would impact culture for good more than just about any other if it were more widely believed, accepted, and embraced, it’s this: males and females are quite different… Continue reading

The hope of happiness

In the debate over same-sex marriage and homosexuality, just as in other issues about which people disagree, the answer to one question will mostly determine which side one will support: Or perhaps more… Continue reading

You’re free to practice your religion…as long as you don’t bring God into it.

That’s the message we Christians have been getting lately. Our First Amendment guarantee of “free exercise” is conditional on submission to government-sanctioned ideology…not God. If in obeying him we end up offending someone,… Continue reading

Talk about discrimination…

If a person, business, or state government refuses to do business with or in the state of Indiana solely because of its recently signed Religious Freedom Restoration Act, are they not engaging in… Continue reading

Hope for the hater

What is hatred? Is it similar to darkness being the absence of light, and cold the absence of heat? Is hatred just the absence of love? I’m sure I’ve been accused of hatred… Continue reading

Would Jesus have changed water to wine for a same-sex wedding?

Some will be surprised to know that as I begin this blog post, I cannot definitively say ‘No’ to my title question. But neither can I say ‘Yes.’ Perhaps by the time I’m… Continue reading

Proper posture at Christmas

I’ve been busy lately, as probably most of you have, with preparations for Christmas – the decorating, the baking, the madness that is shopping in December. And, as happens every year, largely neglecting… Continue reading