The peace we need most

It’s pretty peaceful here where I live, at least outwardly. Our local towns aren’t plagued by violent robbers and rioters; murderers and malcontents don’t roam the streets. Within some of our homes, however, be they grand or humble, peace definitely does not reign.

Outside our enclave wars rage, protests disrupt traffic and businesses, innocent men, women, and children are savagely abused and killed. There’s not even an illusion of peace.

Into just such a world of strife, conflict, hatred, evil, and madness was born one who would be called the Prince of Peace, and it’s what we celebrate this season. While some want to “X” him out and others consider the word offensive, Christmas is about Christ. It’s right there in the name.

So one might ask, why hasn’t this Prince of Peace put an end to all conflicts, within and without? Why don’t each and every one of us know peace and only peace?

Because Christ came to give peace “not as the world gives” but as the world needs. We need an end to our conflict with God himself. Our rebellion and refusal to submit to his authority put us in opposition to him, making him our enemy.

Christmas is the commemoration of the coming of our Peacemaker, the Mediator between God and man. How appropriate, is it not? that he is both God and man.

The world is in turmoil and, for some of us, our personal lives are as well. I pray that my neighbors who do not yet know peace will look and listen carefully this month to all that declares the true reason for the season. Those who are thoughtful, humble, and wise will heed the words of a likewise humble and wise sage who said, “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”