You’ll never believe….

…how this prominent atheist physicist shot himself in the foot! Click here to see!

dnaThe tease to a shocking/heartwarming/tear-jerking story seems to be the way to go these days. Did it work?

Actually, this story is neither shocking, heartwarming, nor tear-jerking. But it is revealing. Lawrence Krauss is a theoretical physicist and professor at Arizona State University. Anyone who has listened to him lecture on or debate topics related to evolution and the origin of life knows the disdain he has for theists and proponents of intelligent design (ID). He takes no pains to hide it. He is extremely arrogant in his assertion that evolution is a proven and the only possible explanation for the multiplicity of species, intransigent in his insistence that all life and existence has or will someday have a natural explanation, and dismissive of anything suggestive of a supernatural cause for the origin of life as “b******t.”

So, I thought it quite interesting that in a recent debate with noted philosopher and Christian apologist William Lane Craig, Krauss actually used and affirmed the ID argument when answering a question from the audience. He was asked if there was one thing that would convince him that God exists. He said there was and that he had stated it before. The proof for Krauss would be, “If I look up at the stars tonight and they rearrange to say ‘I am here’…”

Well, that would be incredible, wouldn’t it? Each star lining up in such a way as to convey a specific message. Not as incredible, however, as the specified, complex message found in a simple, one-celled amoeba that even famed scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins has described as having as much information in its DNA as 1,000 complete sets of Encyclopedia Britannica. In a very real sense, DNA itself can be said to be the message that Krauss said would convince him. “This has intelligence behind it. I exist.”

Naturalists can’t have it both ways. They can’t debunk the theory that intelligence is required for the complex instructions we see in just a single cell, and yet maintain that a message in the stars would be evidence for God. Wouldn’t you agree?

Seems to me Professor Krauss has a few holes in his argument. And his foot.